Ilhaam Burny

Ilhaam Burny

Formal Title
Research Assistant
Primary Affiliation
UC Berkeley School of Public Health

Ilhaam is a 4+1 MPH student in the Epidemiology/Biostatistics concentration. She recently graduated from UC Berkeley with degrees in Public Health and Integrative Biology. During undergrad, she worked for the Sexual Health and Reproductive Equity (SHARE) program, where she discovered her research interest in understanding disparities in reproductive health outcomes, particularly for low-income women in global health contexts. As a former undergraduate peer advisor for the public health major and an intern at the Women’s Daytime Drop-In Center in downtown Berkeley, she loves making connections with her community and being an advocate for others. In her free time, Ilhaam loves to try out new recipes, go grocery shopping at Berkeley Bowl, and explore new hiking spots.

Contact Information

2121 Berkeley Way
Berkeley, CA 94703
United States